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    Since the Bible tells us we are “saved through faith,” the “just shall live by faith” and that “without faith, it is impossible to please God,” faith is among the front line essentials of the Christian life. Faith is also a vital essential to true salvation. Properly understanding faith, which has become so perverted in churches today, is essential to the genuine victorious Christian life. 

Common sayings, often heard today, like “have faith in yourself,” “have faith in your faith,” “keep the faith” (in what exactly and how?), “keep a positive attitude,” use the “power of positive thinking,” speak the “positive word of faith,” the “power is in your tongue,” “do good works” etc. All of these use appropriate “God words” and the name of Jesus. 

    First of all, the Bible clearly and absolutely tells us NOT to have faith in ourselves, but in God and in His Person and Character. The Bible also tells us not to have faith in faith, but in God’s faithfulness. And, as for good works, these must come out of faith and all of our 

doing should come out of being (in Jesus and led by Him).   

    What is so direly needed today is sound scriptural teaching on what true faith is and how it works. True faith in living the Christian life will depend on how real the faith was for initially entering the Christian life. In other words, was a person’s avowed salvation only a profession of faith—or was it a profession of faith that brought about a possession of salvation? Did a person receive Christ with a wholehearted faith? Was it by a heart and life surrender to Christ as personal Lord and Savior? If this is what you have done to be born again, God now says, “As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him.” (Col. 2:6) Regarding salvation, Jesus tells us to “Enter in the strait (narrow) gate…”, the same kind of faith that brought us in strait is the same kind of faith that will keep us walking strait.

      For much more regarding true faith, please visit our Bible StudiesBookstore sections and Amazon where you’ll find Understanding Faith, Volumes I and II.

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